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How Does PostalMethods Beat DIY Mass Mailing?

26 Feb
Handwriting text writing Mass Mailing.

How Does PostalMethods Beat DIY Mass Mailing?

Even in the era of digital communication, sometimes a traditional postcard or paper notice can really get an important message across to its recipient. Several industries throughout the nation still rely on the printing and delivery of notices and statements. 

Regardless of why a business uses print and delivery for mass mailing campaigns, DIY expenses and responsibilities can quickly add up, leaving some businesses to wonder if there isn’t an easier way.

PostalMethods Helps Out Busy Industries

Many mass mailing campaigns go out to thousands of clients, several times a year. Through a DIY process, this can be a huge stressor on a business. There is also a substantial risk for errors and important information could be sent to the wrong address.

Fortunately, PostalMethods is a company that is dedicated to simplifying the print and delivery process through our portal system and API-based services. We make mail easy and there isn’t a project too large for our systems to easily handle for you. 

All a business owner has to do is register a free account and our team can help get started with sending secure, reliable mail campaigns. Here are some of the biggest reasons why so many of our clients have turned to us after decades of meeting their mailing needs on a DIY basis.

Let Employees Focus Where it Counts

Your staff is the heart of your organization. It’s up to them to utilize their time wisely and complete day-to-day operations that keep your business running smoothly. 

When your business tries to take full control of its printing and mailing operations, the project usually takes up a substantial amount of time for your team. Time stolen from a mailing project is time your employees won’t be able to use to complete their actual responsibilities that they’ve been trained and hired on for.

Spend Your Budget on Improvements, Not Stamps!

If you’ve run a large mailer campaign in the past, then you already know that even a simple letter can take up a healthy chunk of your business’s budget. Businesses that rely on sending out notices and invoices for their income can end up spending thousands of dollars a year based on the size of their contact list and the frequency of which they mail.

Time and money are precious to any industry, and when your business uses both frequently for direct mail, you’re missing out on the improvements you could be making in your company.

PostalMethods Guarantees Easy, Safe, Mass Mailing

We help businesses across the nation save money and time through our modern approach to traditional printing and mailing. No matter the size of your business, you simply don’t have the time to stuff letters into envelopes, stick on stamps and ensure that the address on each notice is correct.

Let our team help you streamline the process and free up your funds for ventures that truly matter to you. Our QuickSend portal system allows users to benefit from the following features:

  • Create accounts for employees
  • Easily manage mailing lists 
  • Safely compose documents
  • Upload letters
  • Create templates
  • Quickly schedule letters for mail at competitive rates

Even if your business requires HIPAA compliant practices, PostalMethods is a secure partner to trust when mailing classified information. Our servers are located offsite in secure buildings where only authorized team members are granted access. 

The best part about sending sensitive information through our system is that we also offer you the ability to ensure that all private information is erased from our servers once your letter is sent.

Experience Cost-Effective, Secure Mail Services Today, with PostalMethods

Mailing statements and postcards should be as simple as the click of a mouse. PostalMethods brings a streamlined approach to the printing and mailing process and invites you to become a member and experience stress-free mail services.

We’re ready to start saving your business time and money, today. Contact us today and find out why so many entities trust us to help them meet their mailing needs.